Rachel Frazin

Main Page About Rachel Author Blogger Nurse Practitioner Singer Himalayan Philanthropy

Presentations for Health Care Professionals and Lay Persons

  • IT'S NOBODY'S FAULT...taken from my book A Life Abandoned. What my daughter's death from despair has taught me about the contributors to suicide, overdose, and alcohol. I present prevention strategies as well as limitations in intervening to rescue someone we love.

  • ANATOMY OF AN OVERDOSE...for health care providers. My daughter's medical history from childhood through her poly substance OD at 24, and implications for detecting early warning signs in pediatric and young adult patients.

  • GRIEVING THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE TO SUICIDE, OVERDOSE, AND/OR ALCOHOL TOXICITY...what my ten year pilgrimage of grief has taught me.

  • CULTIVATING RESILIENCE IN A COVID-19 WORLD...strategies to promote physical and mental health and reduce your risk for developing serious illness from the virus.

  • HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF THE BODY-MIND UNITY...based on current evidence-based medicine.

Let me tailor health care presentations
to meet your organization's needs.